Building Resiliency

Be constructive. The Building Resiliency series takes a strengths-based approach that will help teachers gain an understanding of resiliency and how to build and nurture it. It works on the premise that resiliency-based practices assist young people to direct their energies towards achieving success. It will challenge educators to reflect on the effectiveness of what they do.

Ages: 5-17 years

About the Authors

Picture of Ian Thurlow

Ian Thurlow

Ian Thurlow is a former teacher and principal in primary and intermediate schools. He is an experienced workshop facilitator, and has worked in life skills education as national director for Lions-Quest Life Skills for a number of years. He is currently the School Attendance Officer for Rangiora High School, and is working as a practitioner in the art of energy healing. Ian can be contacted at:

Picture of Jim Peters

Jim Peters

Jim Peters is a former secondary school teacher, counsellor and principal. He has had a long association with groups concerned with at-risk youth and was a founding member of the Youth Mentoring Trust. He has been involved with alternative education and with several community and school-based programmes in South Auckland, New Zealand.